7 years ago · admin · 0 comments
August 2018
“Till death do us part.”
– from the Book of Common Prayer (1549)
Dear friends,
A few years ago, I sat next to a woman who is near and dear to my heart. She was grieving the sudden and tragic loss of her husband. The church was standing room only, and it was filled with family, friends, and co-workers. So many people loved this man and his family.
There were candles and flowers, music and prayers. Even though no one spoke a word of English, it really didn’t matter. The ceremony transcended words. What occurred was a ritual of LOVE.
All cultures, current and ancient, perform ceremonies from birth to funerals, from coming of age to marriage. Is it instinct that compels us to gather together and share our grief, our joy? It appears that the human being is a species that is energetically “hard-wired” to gather and bond.
The day after the funeral, I went to spend time with another woman who is near and dear to me. She was also in a church with candles, flowers, music, and prayer. She was getting married and again the room was filled with friends and family. All of them coming together to share in a different and significant ritual. What is so striking is that both sacred ceremonies were woven together with the threads of a profound LOVE.
Integration is what we call “The Core” of the 20 Concepts, as it is such an important part of the work we do here at Wisdom and Recovery. By bringing together what is seemingly the opposite, we can visualize something different. This process can provide a calming insight, and the wisdom gained will bring us a peaceful feeling.
I felt very blessed to have been in the midst of such amazing transitions on each of those two days. And while one was of loss and the other of gain, the outpouring of love cradled all.
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