3 years ago · admin · 0 comments
July 2021
“United We Stand. Divided We Fall” – excerpt from a fable by Greek storyteller, Aesop |
In 1776 thirteen British Colonies wanted to end their dependency on the British Crown, and to be free from the oppressive restrictions that were imposed upon them. On July 4th of that same year, the Declaration of Independence was implemented. These united colonies did what none of them could have done individually; they began creating The United States of America. Today, Independence Day is celebrated across the United States on July 4th. Typical celebrations include parades, food, and a fireworks display. At Wisdom and Recovery we see the situation of dependency and codependency just as the people in those 13 colonies originally did … oppressive, limiting, painful, and debilitating. As children, we are both dependent (depending on another person for our very life), and co-dependent (depending on someone outside of ourselves to define us). If we are being raised in a healthy environment we transition out of these child-like states into a state of being independent (depending on our inner self to know who we are, and how to live a productive, loving, and joyful life). As a child it is an outside-in job (coming from one’s environment), and as an adult it is an inside-out job (taking resources from inside one’s self to share outwardly). |
But wait…there is yet a higher position to strive for and that is inter-dependency-the dependence of two or more people on each other! The individuals in those colonies from hundreds of years ago needed each other to do what could not be done alone, and it is the same with us. Becoming united with each other as strong independent people we could facilitate the emotional/physical healing of our world! We could create a synergistic experience beyond our wildest dreams. |
Many of us do have those dreams and know, without a shadow of a doubt, those dreams could become a reality! Maybe we could we have a holiday that is recognized worldwide and call it “INTERDEPENDENCE DAY”. Then we could all celebrate with parades in the street and fireworks for everyone to see? Let us each have the goal to first become an independent strong person and then challenge ourselves to reach the next level! |
Happy Independence Day! |